Georgia Environmental Health Association
Thank you for your interest in joining GEHA!
The Georgia Environmental Health Association (GEHA) welcomes anyone interested in joining.
Membership Benefits:
You can apply or renew your GEHA membership online.
Active Membership is open to any person who is employed full-time in the Environmental Health field, or in related educational activities, or by a public health agency, be it Federal, State, County, or Municipal Agency. This active membership is also open to any individual employed in the private sector in an environmental health capacity. The annual dues are $40.00.
New employees are eligible for 1 year of free membership!
Associate Membership is open to any company, corporation, association, or firm with a general interest in the Georgia Environmental Health Association and has a desire to contribute to and support its success. Associate membership is not to be used to promote the product and/or services provided by the member. The annual dues are $40.00.
Student Membership is open to any students in the field of Environmental Health, Environmental Sciences or Public Health. Membership includes all the above benefits, plus internship, scholarship, and mentorship opportunities – and it’s only $25/year!
Honorary Membership is conferred upon any person who on account of his or her substantial contributions to the Association, as voted on by the Awards Committee. Honorary members shall not be required to pay dues and are entitled to vote or to hold office, and are encouraged to attend meetings of the Association.
Voting privileges in the Association shall be limited to Active Members and Honorary Members only.
Professional credentials are one way of telling your clientele that your training and experience have enabled you to answer their questions and improve their safety. The Georgia Board of Registered Environmental Health Professionals offers opportunities for internationally recognized registration, continuing education, responsible leadership, and job growth.